For a quantum group, we study those right coideal subalgebras, for which all irreducible representations are one-dimensional. If a right coideal subalgebra is maximal with this property, then we call it a Borel subalgebra.Besides the positive part of the quantum group and its reflections, we find new unfamiliar Borel subalgebras, for example ones containing copies of the quantum Weyl algebra. Given a Borel subalgebra, we study its induced (Verma-)modules and prove among others that they have all irreducible finite-dimensional modules as quotients. We then give structural results using the graded algebra, which in particular leads to a conjectural formula for all triangular Borel subalgebras, which we partly prove. As examples, we determine all Borel subalgebras of U q (sl 2 ) and U q (sl 3 ) and discuss the induced modules.