The ability of SiC devices to switch at high speed allows increasing significantly the power density in both converters and passive components, reducing their required size. To mitigate harmonic injection form inverters into the grid, in order to comply with power quality standards, an accurate filter design is required. Given its excellent performance, an LCL filter is the configuration most suitable in grid-connected power converters. Several parameters must be considered when designing an effective LCL filter, and the inverter-side inductor assumes a special importance because of its relevance to suppress high frequency harmonic content at the inverter side. One of the most relevant issues to be considered in the process of designing the LCL filter is the evaluation of core losses in the inverter-side inductor, which will determine the final temperature of the inductor. This paper analyses the core losses of the inverter-side inductor of an LCL filter. The proposed method is based on the computation of the current harmonics generated by the inverter and on Steinmetz’s empirical equation. As a result, core losses calculated taking into account several carrier and sideband harmonics show good agreement with the experimental values. When current harmonics are estimated by simulation, as it is done in the proposed design procedure, results are less accurate, but precise enough for a design procedure.