The Full Strategy Minority Game (FSMG) is an instance of the Minority Game
(MG) which includes a single copy of every potential agent. In this work, we
explicitly solve the FSMG thanks to certain symmetries of this game.
Furthermore, by considering the MG as a statistical sample of the FSMG, we
compute approximated values of the key variable {\sigma}2/N in the symmetric
phase for different versions of the MG. As another application we prove that
our results can be easily modified in order to handle certain kind of initial
biased strategies scores, in particular when the bias is introduced at the
agents' level. We also show that the FSMG verifies a strict period two dynamics
(i.e., period two dynamics satisfied with probability 1) giving, to the best of
our knowledge, the first example of an instance of the MG for which this
feature can be analytically proved. Thanks to this property, it is possible to
compute in a simple way the probability that a general instance of the MG
breaks the period two dynamics for the first time in a given simulation.Comment: To appear in Physica