We summarize necessary conditions in the SU(3) frame imposed on nonleptonic hyperon decay amplitudes by studying various selection rules, and discuss relations between connectedurbaryon-diagrams and physical decay amplitudes. On the basis of a nonrelativistic weak skeleton model, we introduce 3*-model and discuss its consequences. Downloaded from !I= -Jm, /I= -Jrr, /rr= -Jw, fv=-fvr, fvr=O anti-symmetry in s-and u-channels II =/I= -frr=-/rr= -fm=Jw=O, fv= -Jvr, fvr=O in t-channel fi = -fn, /I=-frr, fm= -Jw, fvr=-fvr, fv=O at University of British Columbia on June 20, 2015 http://ptp.oxfordjournals.org/ Downloaded from *) One of the authors (A. M.) has recently discussed this problem: A. Murayama, "Correspondence between the Three-Triplet model and the Quartet model" (preprin t, 1971 March).