This paper decomposes nonlinear 2 nd -order Hamiltonian dynamics into a hierarchy of two 1 st -order complex component dynamics. This allows the stability of the 2 nd -order dynamics to be assessed based on the two nonlinear 1 st -order complex dynamics, using the tools of contraction theory.This decomposition is a tensor result, independent of the chosen coordinate system. It extends well-known Lyapunov asymptotic stability results, based on energy dissipation, to the exact characterization of exponential convergence rates for damped non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems. Specifying the nonlinear damping and complex action φ is sufficient to tune the performance of an associated observer or controller design. Explicit exponential stability guarantees are then given based on the second covariant derivative of φ.The result allows state and time-dependent complex exponential convergence or contraction rates to be placed exactly in a controller or observer design. As such, it extends linear time-invariant eigen-value placement to time-varying or state-dependent eigen-values. Simple applications include state-dependent eigen-value placement for an aircraft or an inverted pendulum controller. The corresponding observer design is illustrated for the Mach-dependent vertical channel dynamics of the strap-down navigation system in polar regions.