“…This is merged with the (phonetically null) copula COP and then again with the adverb foana, "internal" to the COP projection, but C-commanding the rest of the structure: 12 Note that it would seem at first glance that Rasoa could not be extracted directly from the subject position of COP, since at the point in the derivation in which it is merged with Piv 0 , it is in a (specifier) island. However, to capture the distinction between possible and impossible extraction from specifier position, R&T need to rely on Rackowski (1998)'s distinction between segments and categories; see Thiersch (2004) for discussion. The same applies here, as shown by the tree in (35a) under their assumptions, Rasoa can move from the bottom position under misakafo which is on a right-branch to Spec,CopP; in CopP it is only dominated by a segment and hence can extract to Spec,PivP.…”