In this paper, we study the perturbative aspects of a "B-twisted" twodimensional (0, 2) heterotic sigma model on a holomorphic gauge bundle E over a complex, hermitian manifold X. We show that the model can be naturally described in terms of the mathematical theory of "Chiral Differential Operators". In particular, the physical anomalies of the sigma model can be reinterpreted as an obstruction to a global definition of the associated sheaf of vertex superalgebras derived from the free conformal field theory describing the model locally on X. In addition, one can also obtain a novel understanding of the sigma model one-loop beta function solely in terms of holomorphic data. At the (2, 2) locus, one can describe the resulting half-twisted variant of the topological B-model in terms of a mirror "Chiral de Rham complex" (or CDR) defined by Malikov et al. in [1]. Via mirror symmetry, one can also derive various conjectural expressions relating the sheaf cohomology of the mirror CDR to that of the original CDR on pairs of Calabi-Yau mirror manifolds. An analysis of the half-twisted model on a non-Kähler group manifold with torsion also allows one to draw conclusions about the corresponding sheaves of CDR (and its mirror) that are consistent with mathematically established results by Ben-Bassat in [2] on the mirror symmetry of generalised complex manifolds. These conclusions therefore suggest an interesting relevance of the sheaf of CDR in the recent study of generalised mirror symmetry. Theories, Sigma Models. and studied in a series of seminal papers by Malikov et al. [1,[3][4][5][6], and in [7] by Beilinson and Drinfeld, whereby a more algebraic approach to this construction was taken in the latter. These developments have found interesting applications in various fields of geometry and representation theory such as mirror symmetry [8] and the study of elliptic genera [9 -11] etc. However, the explicit interpretation of the theory of CDO's, in terms of the physical models it is supposed to describe, has been somewhat unclear, that is until recently.In the pioneering papers of Kapustin [12] and Witten [13], initial steps were taken to provide a physical interpretation of some of the mathematical results in the general theory of CDO's. In [12], it was argued that on a Calabi-Yau manifold X, the mathematical theory of a CDO known as the chiral de Rham complex or CDR for short, can be identified with the infinite-volume limit of a half-twisted variant of the topological A-model. In [13], the perturbative limit of a half-twisted (0, 2) sigma model with right-moving fermions was studied, where its interpretation in terms of the theory of a CDO that is a purely bosonic version of the CDR was elucidated. An explicit computation (on P 1 ) was also carried out by Frenkel et al. in [14] to verify mathematically, the identification of the CDR as the half-twisted sigma model in perturbation theory.Shortly thereafter, a generalisation of the model in [13] to include left-moving worldsheet fermions valued in a holomorphic gauge ...