In this article, we illustrate the scaling properties of a family of solutions for A attractive bosonic atoms in the limit of large A. These solutions represent the quantized dynamics of solitonic degrees of freedom in atomic droplets. In dimensions lower than two, or d = 2 -e, we demonstrate that the number of isotropic droplet states scales as A 3/2/ e 1/2, and for e = 0, or d = 2, scales as N 2. The ground-state energies scale as A 2/e+1 in d -2 -e, and when d = 2, scale as an exponential function of A. We obtain the universal energy spectra and the generalized Tjon relation; their scaling properties are uniquely determined by the asymptotic freedom of quantum bosonic fields at short distances, a distinct feature in low dimensions. We also investigate the effect of quantum loop corrections that arise from various virtual processes and show that the resultant lifetime for a wide range of excited states scales as N e/2E '~e/2.