GLAGIOLOGICAL LITERATURE THIS is a selected list of glaciological literature on the scientific study or snow and ice and of their effects on the tarth; for the literature on polar expeditions, and also on the "applied" aspects of sociology, such as snow ploughs, readers should consult the bibliographies in each issue of Recent Polar Literature {supplement to the Polar Record). For Russian material the system of transliteration used is that agreed by ihe U.S. Board on Geographic Names and the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use in 1047 Readers can greatly assist by sending reprints of their publications to the Society, or by informing Dr J. W. fiien of publications of glaciological interest. It should be noted that ihe Society does not necessarily hold'copies or the items in this lisi, and also that to; Society does not possess facilities for microfilming or photocopying. CONFERENCES BOC.ORODSKIY. V. V., and GAVRILO, V. P., ed. Kiz.icheskiye metody issledovaniye I'da i snega [Physical methods of ice and snow research]. Trudy Arktklmkogo i Atitarktkhakuga Xauclnm-hdechcatd\ko S " Institute! Tom 936 W5. [340] P-topers presented at symposium held in Leningrad, 1973. Contents include: V. V Bogorodskiy, Radiofizicheskiye metody issledovaniya 1'da i snega [Radiophysical methods of ice and snow sludiesl" p. 9 16; A. B. Babayev. V P. Logachev, V. N. Parfcnt'yev, V. A. Fedorov and G. P. Shclomanova. "Radiolokatsionnyye GhM sjgnaly, olrazhennyyc ot ledovykh poverkhnostey i vozmozhnosii ikh modelirovaniva [Radar fret|ueiiey-inodulated signals reflected from ice surfaces and the possibilily of modelling themf" p. 17-20; A Ye. Bashannov and A. A. Kurskaya, " V'liyaniye struktury 1'da na yego radialskmuyyc kharaklenstiki v SVGh diapazone [Ice structure and lis effect on SHF emissivityj", p. 21-23-V V Bogorodskiy G. V. Trcpov and B. A Fedorov, "Rasprostraneniye radiovoln v gletcherakh [Kadio-wavo propagation in glaciers] p. 24-28; \. \. Bogorodskiv and V. P. Tripolnikov. "Radiozondimvaiiive morskogo I'da fRadio-echo sounding ol sea icej", p, 29 31; V. Y. Bogorodskiy, A. I. Kozlov and L T. Tuchkov "lzluch,tel iiaya sposobnost lcdyanykh, zemnykh i morskikh poverkhnostey. modeliruyemykh sloisloucodnorodnymi stmkturauii [Emissivity ol ice, land and sea surfaces modelled by layered heterogeneous structures!" P-3=-3«i J-W. Uough, Izmereniya otrazhennykh signalov pri radiolokatsionnom Bondirovanii v bnl'shom ciiapazone uglov [Radio-sounding wide-angle reflection measurements!", P-39-44-J W dough "Depolv anzatsiya otrazhennykh radiosignalov [Depolarization of radio-echo returns'!" P 45 vr M I Finkelshteyn, V. A. Kutayev, V. G. Glushncv and E. 1. J.azarev, "G distantsionnom izincrc-nii tofshchinv morskogo Ida mctodaun radiolokatsii [Remote radar measurements of sea ice thicknesses!" P 11 U-A. K. Zhebrovskiy, G. M. Strakhovskiy, V. N. Ncdostaycv and V. I. Stebin. "Ekktricheskiye svoyMva 1'da' obrazovannogo v vakuume, 1 ikh vzaimosvyaz' so strukluroy [Electrical properties of vacuum-deposited ice and their de...