SummaryWe have investigated the origin of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) populations in the murine gut, using reconstitution experiments in which the presence of thymus-derived ceUs of host or donor origin is rigorously controlled: RAG-/-mutant mice which have no T cells, were injected either with the bone marrow (BM) cells of nude mice or with selected peripheral lymph node (LN) T cells of euthymic mice. In thymectomized RAG-/-mice, injection of BM cells from nude mice led, after 2 too, to the development of a peripheral B cell compartment and to the appearance, in the gut, of IEL bearing homodimeric CD8oL chains and either "y/~ or o~/~ TCR. In RAG-/-mice with a thymus, a similar injection led to complete lymphoid reconstitution, with the additional appearance in the gut of CD4 +, CD8a/~ + or CD4+CD8oe/oe + IEL, all bearing c~/3 TCR. In contrast, injection of LN T cells into these mice reconstituted a gut IEL population made of CD4 + , CD8oJ3 + , or CD4 + CD8o~/~ + cells, all bearing c~/B TCR; CD8oe/c~ + TCR-~/~ + or cr + IEL were not observed. These results demonstrate that the thymus and/or thymic-derived peripheral T cells are absolutely required for the generation of CD4 +, CD8a/3 +, and CD4 + CD8oe/c~ + lEE which are thus thymus dependent. In contrast, TCR § CD8oJoe + IEL appear in the absence of the thymus, and thus are thymus independent. I ntraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) 1 present in the mouse intestinal mucosa represent, because of the length of the gut, a quantitatively major lymphocyte population of the organism (1). These cells express different surface makers and thus represent a mixture of lymphocyte populations, almost exclusively ofT cell nature (i.e., bearing TCR). In adult euthymic mice bred in a conventional environment, about half of the IEL have a surface phenotype similar to most peripheral T lymphocytes, i.e., are Thyl +, TCRodfl + and either CD4 + or CD8 +. Their CD8 molecules are made of heterodimers of CD8ce and 3 chains (CD8~/fl +), as on all CD8 § peripheral T lymphocytes and CD8 § or CD4+CD8 + (double positive [DP]) thymocytes. Another major IEL population expresses on its surface CD8 homodimeric o~ chains (CDSodo 0 and no CD4 or CD8 heterodimeric molecules: these cells bear ol/[3 or 3'/~ TCR (or rarely have no TCR), and are most often Thyl -rather than Thyl +, Small percentages of TCRoJ[3 +, TCR3'/~ +, or TCR-cells are CDS-CD4-. Finally, some Thyl +, TCRc~/[3 + IEL coexpress both CD4 and CD8 molecules. These cells are rare and bear high levels 1 Abbreviations used in this paper: BM, bone marrow; DN, double negative; DP, double positive; IEL, intraepithelial lymphocyte; TD, thymus dependent; TI, thymus independent; Tx, thymectomized.of TCRot/[3 and only CD8o~/oe but no CD8oe/3 molecules, two features which are in contrast with what is observed with DP thymocytes (2, 3).It is generally accepted that at least part of these IEL are of extrathymic origin. It has been proposed that the gut epithelium, an endoderm derivative as the thymic epithelium, is endowed with the property of at...