The interrelationship of the thyroid gland and the gonads has been recognized for many years by clinical endocrinologists, but the experimental study of their interaction has not kept pace with clinical observation. In recent years, the effect of altered thyroid function on reproductive performance has been extensively investigated (see review by Maqsood, 1952), but the possible influence of variations in gonadal function on thyroid activity is less well understood. This paper is concerned with one aspect of the problem-the influence of various gonadal hormones on thyroid activity.
MATERIALS AND METHODSYoung adult male and female rabbits of mixed breeds (2.2-3-5 kg body wt.) were used. The majority were Chinchilla rabbits. The animals were kept in a temperature-controlled animal room at 28°C and fed a pellet diet (M.R.C. diet no. 18) and tap water ad lib. All females were isolated for at least 3 weeks after arrival before any experiments were begun so as to exclude any pregnant or pseudo-pregnant animals.Thyroid activity was studied by means of the 'release curve' technique previously described (Brown-Grant, von Euler, . Starting 48 hr after a subcutaneous injection of a tracer dose of carrier-free radio-iodine, twice daily counts were made over the thyroid region in the unanaesthetized animal. After correction for isotope decay, these counts, expressed as a percentage of the counting rate at 0 hr (48 hr after injection) were plotted semi-logarithmically against time yielding a straight line whose slope represents the rate of release of '3II-labelled thyroid hormone from the gland. Following a preliminary control period, the effect of injections of various gonadal hormones on the rate of release can be studied. After a period of hormone treatment, a further period of control observations completed the experiment. The dose of radioiodine used in most experiments was 3,c. For some of the longer experiments on the effects of treatment with various combinations of hormones a dose of 6 pc was used. For further details of the method and apparatus, the paper referred to above should be consulted.The following hormones were used in these experiments; all were administered by subcutaneous injection in a single daily dose. Actual doses are given in the relevant sections of the text. Stilboestrol, 1 or 5 mg/ml.; hexoestrol, 5 mg/ml.; progesterone, 2 or 5 mg/ml. (British Drug Houses); testosterone propionate, 5 mg/ml.; oestradiol monobenzoate, 1 mg/ml.; oestrone, 1 mg/ml.; deoxycorticosterone acetate, 5 mg/ml., and cortisone acetate, 5 mg/ml. (Organon Laboratories).