SUMMARYObjective: Thyroid cancers are the most common malignancy of the endocrine organs. The purpose of this study is to research the thyroid cancer incidence in the thyroidectomies carried out in the province of Sivas and cancer types. Methods: The pathology reports regarding the thyroidectomy operations carried out in the General Surgery Clinic of the School of Medicine, Cumhuriyet University between January 2008 and January 2014 were retrospectively scanned from the archive. The postoperative histopathological findings, belonging to totally 521 cases operated within six years, were evaluated. Results: 122 (23.41%) of the total 521 cases were men and 399 (76.58%) were women. The youngest patient was 15 and the oldest patient was 84 years old, and also mean age of the patients was 49.02 ± 13.48. The followings were detected in the histopathological examination; nodular hyperplasia in 272 (52.2%) cases, diffuse hyperplasia in 32 (6.1%) cases, lymphocytic thyroiditis in 22 (4.2%) cases, association of nodular hyperplasia and lymphocytic thyroiditis in 30 (5.8%) cases and also thyroid neoplasm in 151 (29%) cases. 9 (5.9%) of 151 neoplasm cases were benign and 142 (94.0%) were malign. As the cancer type, the followings were detected; papillary carcinoma in 133 (25.5%) cases, follicular carcinoma in 3 (0.6%) cases, medullary carcinoma in 2 (0.4%) cases and anaplastic carcinoma in 3 (0.6%) cases, metastases in 1 (0.2%) case. The well differentiated tumour of uncertain malignant potential was detected in 14 (2.7%) cases.
Conclusion:The cancer incidence in thyroidectomies carried out in the province of Sivas was recorded as 27.3% and the papillary thyroid carcinoma was the most common carcinoma. Keywords: Thyroidectomy, thyroid cancer ÖZET Amaç: Tiroid kanserleri endokrin organların en sık görülen malignitesidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Sivas ilinde yapılan tiroidektomilerde tiroid kanseri sıklığını ve kanser tiplerini araştırmaktır. Yöntem: Ocak 2008-Ocak 2014 yılları arasında Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi kliniğinde yapılan tiroidektomi operasyonlarına ait patoloji raporları retrospektif olarak arşivden tarandı. Altı yıl içerisinde opere edilen toplam 521 olguya ait postoperatif histopatolojik bulgular değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Toplam 521 olgunun 122'si (%23,41) erkek, 399'u (%76,58) kadındı. En genç hasta 15 en yaşlı hasta 84 yaşında olup yaş ortalaması 49,02±13,48 idi. Histopatolojik incelemede 272 (%52,2) olguda nodüler hiperplazi, 32 (%6,1) olguda diffüz hiperplazi, 22(%4,2) olguda lenfositik tiroidit, 30 olguda(%5,8)nodüler hiperplazi ve lenfositik tiroidit birlikteliği, 151 (%29) olguda ise tiroid tümörü saptandı. 151 tümör olgusunun 9'u (%5.9) benign, 142'si (%94,0) malign idi. Kanser tipi olarak 133 (%25,5) olguda papiller karsinom, 3 (%0,6) olguda folliküler karsinom, 2 (%0,4) olguda medüller karsinom ve 3 (%0,6) olguda anaplastik karsinom,1 (%0,2) olguda metastaz saptandı.14 (%2,7) olguda malign potansiyeli bilinmeyen iyi diferensiye tümör saptandı.
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