Summary. The tricyclic compound cyproheptadine (Feriactinol | Nuran | inhibited glucose-induced insulin release from the peffused rat pancreas. Tolbutamide-stimulated insulin release was significantly reduced in the presence and completely suppressed in the absence of a substimulatory glucose concentration (5 mM). Arginine produced a slow rise of insulin release, which was completely abolished by cyproheptadine. Furthermore the biphasic glucagon release due to the stimulus was inhibited. Oxidation of ~4C-glucose in isolated islets was unaltered in the presence of cyproheptadine, and pyruvate added to the perfusion medium failed to reverse the inhibitory effect on glucose induced insulin release, indicating that impaired glucose metabolism is not responsible for the inhibition. In addition, the inhibition remained unchanged when phentolamine was present, suggesting that the effect is not mediated by inhibitory adrenergic alpha receptors. Theophylline, in contrast, partly overcame the inhibition. When the calcium concentration of the medium was enhanced, the inhibitory effect of cyproheptadine was still visible, although the relative inhibition had become smaller. The results suggest that cyproheptadine blocks insulin release by affecting a fundamental step of the stimulus-secretion coupling common to peptide hormones. A participation of a calcium-antagonizing effect in the inhibition is discussed.Key words: Insulin release, glucagon release, cyproheptadine, tolbutamide, arginine, theophylline, calcium, peffused rat pancreas. The antihistaminic-antiserotonin compound cyproheptadine [1] has been reported to produce selective B-cell abnormalities, glucose intolerance, and depletion of pancreatic insulin in rats [2, 3, 4] when chronically administered. Acute hyperglycemia after single injections of cyproheptadine, accompanied by a decrease of plasma insulin, was observed in the rat [5] and in the Syrian hamster [6]. In addition, in vitro experiments using the perfused rat pancreas [5], isolated islets [7,8], and pieces of Syrian hamster pancreas [6] revealed the inhibitory effect of cyproheptadine on insulin release.To gain further insight into this inhibition we investigated the effects of cyproheptadine on insulin release as caused by various stimulators and effectors.Cyproheptadine has also been reported to inhibit growth hormone (HGH) secretion [9,10] and cortisol release [11], suggesting that cyproheptadine has a general inhibitory effect on hormone release. Thus we studied the effects of cyproheptadine on the arginineinduced glucagon release by the perfused rat pancreas.
Materials and Methods
ChemicalsCyproheptadine-hydrochloride (Sharp and Dohme, Miinchen), Trasylol | (Farbwerke Bayer AG, Wuppertal-Elberfeld), tolbutamide (Hoechst AG, Frankfurt) and dextran (Knoll AG, Ludwigshafen) were obtained as gifts. Bovine albumin, pentobarbital and arginine were purchased from Serva, Heidelberg, Phentolamine (Regitin | ampoules) from Ciba AG, 1-125 labelled insulin and glucagon (50-60% immunoreactive glucagon) from Farb...