Seven longitudinally twisted acenes (an anthracene, two tetracenes,t hree pentacenes, and ah exacene) have been synthesizedb yt he addition of aryllithium reagents to the appropriate quinone precursors, followed by SnCl 2 -mediatedr eductiono ft heir diol intermediates, and severalo ft hese acenesh ave been crystallographicallyc haracterized. The new syntheses of the three previously reported twisted acenes, decaphenylanthracene (1), 9,10,11,20,21,22-hexaphenyltetrabenzo[a,c,l,n]pentacene( 2), and 9, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16-octaphenyldibenzo[a,c]tetracene (14), resulted in ar eductiono ft he number of synthetic steps.A saconsequence their overall yields werei ncreased by factors of 50-, 24-, and 66-fold, respectively.A ll of the twisted acenes yntheses reported here are suitable fort he synthesis of at least gram quantities of these remarkable hydrocarbon materials.