A detailed study of the pressure-induced phase transitions in amorphous Ge ͑a-Ge͒ up to 17 GPa is reported combining Raman scattering, x-ray absorption spectroscopy ͑XAS͒ measurements, and density-functional theory calculations. a-Ge samples were films obtained by evaporation and characterized by different density of voids. Specific and reproducible phase transitions ͑interpreted as disorder-disorder, disorder-order, and order-disorder͒ are observed on pressurization and depressurization, depending on the initial density of voids. Details of the structural and vibrational properties of the various phases have been obtained by XAS and Ramanscattering data analysis. Samples showing a low density of voids transform first into a metallic disordered phase ͑8 GPa͒ and to GeII at higher pressures while those with higher density of voids transform directly to the GeII phase ͑10.6 GPa͒. Upon depressurization, the first nucleates into the GeIII metastable phase in the 7.2-2.3 GPa pressure range, while the others return to the amorphous state below 5 GPa. The behavior upon depressurization shows that the initial morphology determines the transitions experienced by the pressurized sample down to ambient pressure.