Let be a distance-regular graph of diameter d ≥ 2 and a 1 = 0. Let θ be a real number. A pseudo cosine sequence for θ is a sequence of real numbers σ 0 , . . . , σ d such that σ 0 = 1 and c i σwhere s is any nonzero scalar. Letv be the characteristic vector of a vertex v ∈ V . For an edge xy of and the characteristic vector w of the set of common neighbours of x and y, we say that the edge xy is tight with respect to θ whenever θ = k and a nontrivial linear combination of vectors Ex, Eŷ and Ew is contained in Span{ẑ | z ∈ V , ∂(z, x) = d = ∂(z, y)}. When an edge of is tight with respect to two distinct real numbers, a parameterization with d +