We investigate the impact of rotational diffusion on the electrodynamic coupling of fluorescent dye molecules (oscillating electric dipoles) to a tunable planar metallic nanocavity. Fast rotational diffusion of the molecules leads to a rapidly fluctuating mode density of the electromagnetic field along the molecules' dipole axis, which significantly changes their coupling to the field as compared to the opposite limit of fixed dipole orientation. We derive a theoretical treatment of the problem and present experimental results for rhodamine 6G molecules in cavities filled with low and high viscosity liquids. The derived theory and presented experimental method is a powerful tool for determining absolute quantum yield values of fluorescence. Introduction.-Fluorescing molecules located close to a metal surface (at sub-wavelength distance) or inside a metal nano-cavity, dramatically change their fluorescence emission properties such as fluorescence lifetime, fluorescence quantum yield, emission spectrum, or angular distribution of radiation [1][2][3][4]. This is due to the change local density of modes of the electromagnetic field caused by the presence of the metal surfaces [5]. Although a large amount of studies have dealt with the investigation of this effect, they all have considered fixed dipole orientations of the emitting molecules, so that each molecule exhibits a temporally constant mode density during its de-excitation from the excited to the ground state. However, when molecules are dissolved in a solvent such as water, their rotational diffusion leads to rapid changes of dipole orientation even on the time-scale of the average excited state lifetime. We will show here that this dramatically influences the coupling of the molecules to the local, strongly orientation-dependent density of modes and the resulting excited state lifetime. This is enormously important for applications of tunable nanocavities for fluorescence quantum yield measurements.