“…Note that many other recent publications, cited for various specific interpretations, deal more directly and in detail with the specific evidence on aspects of Cancuen including the most recent analyses of the obsidian assemblage (Andrieu, Quiñonez, and Rodas 2011;Andrieu et al , 2012, ceramics and chronology , 2013Forné and Torres 2010Torres et al 2013), ideological systems legitimating economic power ( Barrientos 2008Barrientos , 2014 Barrientos and ; the extent of the site and its sustaining area Demarest et al 2009Demarest et al , 2013Wolf and Bracken 2013a), epigraphy and political relations (Barrientos 2014;Fahsen and Barrientos 2006;Fahsen and Jackson 2001;Jackson 2004Jackson , 2005, new understandings of Cancuen's role in nonexotic, basic commodity production and exchange (Demarest and Martínez 2013;Demarest et al 2013), corrected and new analyses of jade working (Andrieu et al , 2012Andrieu, Quiñonez and Rodas 2011), the significance of local ceramic types and imports , and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) of both Torres et al 2013), cave ritual (Spenard 2006;Woodfill 2010;Woodfill and Andrieu 2012), frontier relations (Demarest and Martínez 2013;Demarest et al 2013;Wolf and Bracken 2013b), and evidence on Cancuen's violent collapse Demarest et al 2014;Quintanilla and Demarest 2013;Suasnávar et al 2007;Winburn et al 2013. Note that many other recent publications, cited for various specific interpretations, deal more directly and in detail with the specific evidence on aspects of Cancuen including the most recent analyses of the obsidian assemblage (Andrieu, Quiñonez, and Rodas 2011;Andrieu et al , 2012, ceramics and chronology …”