“…Agricultural management in the extensive Pampa and Chaco plains of Argentina relies on no‐till farming (source: Aapresid, http://www.aapresid.org.ar) that accounts for about 27 million hectares, with an increasing simplification in crop sequence based mainly on soybean monoculture (Durán, Morrás, Studdert, & Liu, ; Viglizzo et al., ). Several adverse effects have been associated with this simplification such as lower organic carbon (OC), lower aggregate stability, modification of soil porosity due to a diminution of its total volume, as well as higher bulk density and development of platy structures (Chagas, Santanatoglia, Castiglioni, & Marelli, ; Novelli, Caviglia, & Melchiori, ; Novelli, Caviglia, Wilson, & Sasal, ; Sasal, Andriulo, & Taboada, ). Hence, the way soils are used in agriculture can deeply modify their architecture constitution (Pierce, Fortin, & Staton, ) with significant consequences on the soil structure and the soil–water interactions (Castiglioni, Behrends Kraemer, & Morras, ; Raynaud & Nunan, ; Reynolds, Bowman, Drury, Tana, & Lu, ).…”