Nadu during Late samba season (September, 2022 -February, 2023 in a randomized block design with nine treatments and replicated thrice. Among the different treatments, Stale seedbed technique fb Hand weeding which is statistically on par with Stale seedbed technique fb Triafamone 20% + ethoxysulfuron 10% WG @ 220 g ha -1 at 8 DAT recorded the lower weed count, weed dry matter production and the higher weed control index favouring higher growth attributes and grain yield of rice while maximum nutrient uptake was recorded under weed free check. Higher plant height, dry matter production and higher grain yield were recorded under the treatment Stale seedbed technique fb one hand weeding at 25 DAT practice might be due to maintenance of weed free environment, particularly throughout vital growth stages of crop, cut back crop weed competition helped in higher growth and development leading to higher grain yield.