Chapter 4, 'Mechanistic models of associative and rule-based category learning', reviews some of the computational models that have been used to simulate the different forms of concept learning that were introduced in Chapters 2 and 3. One class of models has been designed to capture our ability to learn rule-based categories that have defining features. Such models are well suited to learn concepts such as triangle in which all members have three sides, angles that add to 180°, and form a closed figure. With rule-based concepts, membership is all or none, meaning that as long as an object has the criterial features of a triangle, it is a triangle, and no triangle is any better example of a triangle than any other triangle. A difficulty with category-learning models that can just learn rules is that many categories do not seem to be rule based. For example, one might try to define the concept of bird with features such as, has feathers, can fly, and lays eggs, but exceptions can be found (i.e. baby male ostriches are birds, but they do not (1) have feathers, (2) fly, or (3) lay eggs). In a more famous example, the philosopher Wittgenstein argued that a concept such as game has no attribute shared by virtually all of its members. Rather, members of a category bear a relationship of family resemblance where there is a cluster of attributes that characterizes the family, but hardly any attribute would hold for all members of the family. Categories with a family-resemblance structure are learned well by models that represent prototypes. A prototype can be thought of as the central tendency of a category or as the best representative of a family in the sense of having the greatest number of attributes in common with other members of the category and the fewest number of attributes in common with members of contrast categories. Models that represent categories as prototypes can account for typicality effects in which category membership is graded with some members