Wray DW, Nishiyama SK, Monnet A, Wary C, Duteil SS, Carlier PG, Richardson RS. Antioxidants and aging: NMR-based evidence of improved skeletal muscle perfusion and energetics. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 297: H1870 -H1875, 2009. First published September 18, 2009 doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00709.2009.-We sought to examine the potential role of oxidative stress on skeletal muscle function with advancing age. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was employed to simultaneously assess muscle perfusion (arterial spin labeling) and energetics ( 31 P NMR spectroscopy) in the lower leg of young (26 Ϯ 5 yr, n ϭ 6) and older (70 Ϯ 5 yr, n ϭ 6) healthy volunteers following the consumption of either placebo (PL) or an oral antioxidant (AO) cocktail (vitamins C and E and ␣-lipoic acid), previously documented to decrease plasma free radical concentration. NMR measurements were made during and after 5 min of moderate intensity (Ϸ5 W) plantar flexion exercise. AO administration significantly improved end-exercise perfusion (AO, 50 Ϯ 5, and PL, 43 Ϯ 4 ml⅐ 100 g Ϫ1 ⅐ min Ϫ1 ) and postexercise perfusion area under the curve (AO, 1,286 Ϯ 236, and PL, 866 Ϯ 144 ml/100 g) in older subjects, whereas AO administration did not alter hemodynamics in the young group. Concomitantly, muscle oxidative capacity (time constant of phosphocreatine recovery, ) was improved following AO in the older (AO, 43 Ϯ 1, and PL, 51 Ϯ 7 s) but not the young (AO, 54 Ϯ 5, and PL, 48 Ϯ 7 s) group. These findings support the concept that oxidative stress may be partially responsible for the age-related decline in skeletal muscle perfusion during physical activity and reveal a muscle metabolic reserve capacity in the elderly that is accessible under conditions of improved perfusion. leg blood flow; oxidative capacity; exercise; nuclear magnetic resonance WITH ADVANCING AGE, structural and functional changes in the peripheral vasculature develop with potentially deleterious consequences, including a diminished perfusion of skeletal muscle both at rest and during exercise (3,7,8,22,25,26,30,36). The detrimental effects of this age-associated decline in muscle perfusion and the associated decrement in O 2 delivery could be closely linked to muscle energetics, as evidenced by the previously demonstrated decline in skeletal muscle oxidative capacity under O 2 supply-limited conditions in young, healthy individuals (15, 16). Despite the potentially negative impact of these age-associated changes, the practical consequence of reduced skeletal muscle blood flow in this cohort remains poorly understood.The paucity of information concerning the effects of reduced perfusion on muscle function with healthy aging may be due in part to the difficulty of simultaneously assessing perfusion and metabolism within skeletal muscle. Using multiparametric nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques, we have begun to address this issue and have recently documented that the age-related decline in bulk limb blood flow is also evident when perfusion within the skeletal muscle is examined duri...