We define, prove the existence and obtain explicit expressions for classical time delay defined in terms of sojourn times for abstract scattering pairs (H 0 , H) on a symplectic manifold. As a by-product, we establish a classical version of the Eisenbud-Wigner formula of quantum mechanics. Using recent results of Buslaev and Pushnitski on the scattering matrix in Hamiltonian mechanics, we also obtain an explicit expression for the derivative of the Calabi invariant of the Poincaré scattering map. Our results are applied to dispersive Hamiltonians, to a classical particle in a tube and to Hamiltonians on the Poincaré ball.In consequence, the time evolution of the observables Φ j under the flow ϕ 0is well chosen, the perturbed trajectory corresponding to the free trajectory {ϕ 0 t (q, p)} t∈R also escapes from each ball B r as |t| → ∞. In such a case, the difference of sojourn times in B r between the two trajectories may converge to a finite value, called the global time delay for (q, p), as r → ∞. This is well known and has been established by various authors for different types of perturbations V (see, for instance, [5-7, 12, 20, 26, 27, 34]). Fine. But what happens when H 0 and H are abstract Hamiltonians on a given symplectic manifold M ? If the dimension of M is finite, Darboux's theorem guarantees us that there exist, at least locally, canonical coordinates on M . However, these coordinates have usually nothing to do with the free Hamiltonian H 0 , and are in consequence inappropriate for the definition of sojourn times. Therefore, our point of view is instead to retain as position observables merely functions Φ j satisfying (1.1), as in the case H 0 (q, p) = |p| 2 /2. This choice is certainly not the most general one, but it turns out to be extremely rewarding as we shall explain below. Here, we just note three facts to its favor. First, it has been shown in [14, Sec. 4] that there exist natural position observables Φ satisfying (1.1) for many Hamiltonian systems (M, H 0 ) appearing in literature. Second, we know that this approach works in the quantum case [29]. Finally, the condition (1.1) is formulated in an invariant way on M , without any mention to the particular structure of H 0 . So, let H 0 and H be Hamiltonians on a symplectic manifold M with Poisson bracket {·, ·}, assume that H 0 and H have complete flows {ϕ 0 t } t∈R and {ϕ t } t∈R , and let Φ := (Φ 1 , . . . , Φ d ) be a family of observables satisfying (1.1). Then, the vector ∇H 0 := ({Φ 1 , H 0 }, . . . , {Φ d , H 0 }) and the set Crit(H 0 , Φ) := (∇H 0 ) −1 ({0}) ⊂ M can be interpreted, respectively, as the velocity observable and the set of critical points associated to H 0 and Φ (see [28, Assumption 2.2 and Definition 2.5] 1250023-2 Rev. Math. Phys. 2012.24. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN on 02/05/15. For personal use only.