We demonstrate the effect of two-center interference on single-photon double ionization [double photoionization (DPI)] of the aligned H 2 molecule when it shrinks or expands from the equilibrium internuclear distance. This interference affects the first stage of the DPI process in which the primary photoelectron is ejected predominantly along the polarization axis of light and its geometrical interference factor is most sensitive to the internuclear distance in the parallel ( ) orientation of the internuclear and polarization axes. This effect is responsible for strong modification of the DPI amplitude in the parallel orientation while the corresponding amplitude for the perpendicular ( ) orientation is rather insensitive to the internuclear distance. The combination of these two factors explains the profound kinetic energy release effect on the fully differential cross sections of DPI of H 2 .The two-center electron interference in photoionization of diatomic molecules was predicted theoretically as early as in the 1960s [1,2]. However, experimental observations of this seemingly simple effect proved to be elusive. It was not until very recently that this effect was detected in the form of oscillations in the corresponding vibrational ratios of the angleintegrated photoionization cross sections of H 2 , N 2 , and CO [3,4]. The earlier measurements of the angle differential cross sections of single-photon two-electron ionization (double photoionization or DPI) on H 2 with circular polarized light [5][6][7] were originally interpreted in terms of the two-center interference. However, these measurements were later explained by mixing of two nondiffractive contributions of circularly polarized light [8]. The two-center interference interpretation of the DPI measurements is only appropriate at substantially higher photon energies that are not yet explored experimentally.In the meantime, experimental observations of DPI of H 2 in the molecular frame showed a clear dependence on the internuclear separation R accessible in the vibrational ground state [1.1-1.7 a.u. at full width at half maximum (FWHM)]. The authors of the pioneering works [9,10] reported a set of fully differential cross sections (FDCS) resolved with respect to the kinematics of the two ejected electrons and the kinetic energy release (KER) available to the two protons after the molecule breaks up. The corresponding internuclear distance is simply R = 1/KER. The original experimental data were later revised [11] and subsequently found in fair agreement with numerical calculations using the exterior complex scaling (ECS) [12] and the time-dependent close-coupling (TDCC) [13] methods performed at the corresponding R values.The KER effect on the FDCS was attributed to pronounced differences in the R dependence of the parallel e R ( ) and perpendicular e ⊥ R ( ) components of the DPI amplitude [12]. Here, e and R are the polarization and internuclear axes, respectively. The contribution of the parallel ( ) component had a minimum in the range of internuclea...