We present a time-step targetting scheme to simulate real-time dynamics efficiently using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). The algorithm works on ladders and systems with interactions beyond nearest neighbors, in contrast to existing Suzuki-Trotter based approaches.PACS numbers: 71.27.+a, 71.10.Pm, 72.15.Qm, 73.63.Kv Over the last ten years the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) [1] has proven to be remarkably effective at calculating static, ground state properties of one-dimensional strongly correlated systems. During this period there has also been substantial progress made in calculating frequency dependent spectral functions [2]. However, the most significant progress in extending DMRG since its invention has occurred in the last year or two. Through a convergence of quantum information and DMRG ideas and techniques, a number of new approaches are being developed. The first of these are highly efficient and accurate methods for real-time evolution, allowing both the calculation of spectral functions via Fourier transforming, and also novel time development studies of systems out of equilibrium.The key real-time methods thus far developed [3, 4, 5] rely on the Suzuki-Trotter (S-T) break-up of the evolution operator. This approach has a number of important advantages: it is surprisingly simple and easy to implement in an existing ground state DMRG program; the time evolution is very stable and the only source of non-unitarity is the truncation error; and the number of density matrix eigenstates needed for a given truncation error is minimal. It also has two notable weaknesses: it has an error proportional to the time step τ squared, and, more importantly, it is limited to systems with nearest neighbor interactions on a single chain. As we show here, the accuracy can be improved using higher order expansions. The nearest-neighbor/single chain limitation is more problematic. In the case of narrow ladders with nearest-neighbor interactions, one can avoid the problem by lumping all sites in a rung into a single supersite. Unfortunately, this approach becomes very inefficient for wider ladders, and is not applicable to general long-range interaction terms.In this paper we propose a new time evolution scheme which produces a basis which targets the states needed to represent one time step. Once this basis is complete enough, the time step is taken and the algorithm proceeds to the next time step. This targetting is intermediate to previous approaches: the Trotter methods target precisely one instant in time at any DMRG step, while Luo, Xiang, and Wang's approach [7] targetted the entire range of time to be studied. Targetting a wider range of time requires more density matrix eigenstates be kept, slowing the calculation. By targetting only a small interval of time, our approach is nearly as efficient as the Trotter methods. In exchange for the small loss of efficiency, we gain the ability to treat longer range interactions, ladder systems, and narrow two-dimensional strips. In addition, ...