The tracer test at the Borden Site [Mackay et al., 1986;Sudicky, 1986;Freyberg, 1986] has generated considerable interest, being one of the first field experiments in which both concentration distributions and formation properties have been measured extensively. A few attempts have been made in the past in order to compare field measurements with existing theoretical formulae which relate the concentratio½ to aquifer heterogeneity.The author's [Naff et al., 1988] main thesis is that the measured particles displacement variance in the longitudinal direction X•(t), evaluated by Freyberg [1986], can be fitted equally well by a few theoretical solutions. In particular, this is true for a two-dimensional transport model [Dagan, 1982[Dagan, , 1984[Dagan, , 1987Freyberg, 1986] or a three-dimensional one for a anisotropic log conductivity covariance [Gelhar and Axness, 1983]. This writer completely agrees with the authors reasoning and herein are some additional arguments, based on recent publications.In a theoretical study of the statistical moments of the solute particles displacements [Dagan, 1988]