Markov state models (MSMs) and other related kinetic network models are frequently used to study the long-timescale dynamical behavior of biomolecular and materials systems. MSMs are often constructed bottom-up using brute-force molecular dynamics (MD) simulations when the model contains a large number of states and kinetic pathways that are not known a priori. However, the resulting network generally encompasses only parts of the configurational space, and regardless of any additional MD performed, several states and pathways will still remain missing. This implies that the duration for which the MSM can faithfully capture the true dynamics, which we term as the validity time for the MSM, is always finite and unfortunately much shorter than the MD time invested to construct the model. A general framework that relates the kinetic uncertainty in the model to the validity time, missing states and pathways, network topology, and statistical sampling is presented. Performing additional calculations for frequently-sampled states/pathways may not alter the MSM validity time. A new class of enhanced kinetic sampling techniques is introduced that aims at targeting rare states/pathways that contribute most to the uncertainty so that the validity time is boosted in an effective manner. Examples including straightforward 1D energy landscapes, lattice models, and biomolecular systems are provided to illustrate the application of the method. Developments presented here will be of interest to the kinetic Monte Carlo community as well.