In this paper, we present an analytical subsurface scattering model, derived with the explicit assumption of strong forward scattering. Our model is not based on di usion theory, but follows from a connection that we identi ed between the functional integral formulation of radiative transport and the partition function of a worm-like chain in polymer physics. Our resulting model does not need a separate Monte Carlo solution for unscattered or single-scattered contributions, nor does it require ad-hoc regularization procedures. It has a single singularity by design, corresponding to the initial unscattered propagation, which can be accounted for by the extensive analytical importance sampling scheme that we provide. Our model captures the full behaviour of forward scattering media, ranging from unscattered straight-line propagation to the fully di usive limit. Moreover, we derive a novel forward scattering BRDF as limiting case of our subsurface scattering model, which can be used in a level of detail hierarchy. We show how our model can be integrated in existing Monte Carlo rendering algorithms, and make comparisons to previous approaches. CCS Concepts: • Computing methodologies → Rendering; Ray tracing;