Abstract. We demonstrate that the widely used multi-configuration time-dependent HartreeFock method is restricted to a certain class of applications and fails for scenarios where periods of low entanglement occur during the propagation. By using illustrative and physically relevant examples, based on the Hubbard model of solid state physics, we show the existence of serious instabilities in the method itself and demonstrate that the method does not converge with respect to electron correlations. Possible cures of the approach are discussed.
IntroductionIn recent years, time-dependent processes in many-particle systems have seen increased attention since their more complex structure leads to the emergence of previously unobserved effects. While it is theoretically possible to describe these systems exactly with methods like time-dependent full configuration interaction (FCI) [1], it is not viable in practice for most of them due to the exponential growth of the configuration space with respect to the particle number, the so called exponential wall.To mitigate the influence of the exponential wall, it is necessary to employ approximations which is usually possible due to the fact that not all parts of the entire Hilbert space are accessed during the time propagation. This is, for example, exploited by the multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree-Fock (MCTDHF) method [2][3][4][5], which is a reformulation of the the multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method [6,7] for systems with exchange correlation. This family of methods is particularly suited for systems which require a large number of basis functions.However, it turns out that MCTDHF suffers from serious instabilities if it is applied to a certain class of systems. This issue is especially severe if the simulation needs to be very accurate or encompasses a long timescale. This makes the validity of applying MCTDHF to such a system uncertain. These difficulties are known in the mathematical literature [8,9] and recently mentioned in the quantum chemistry literature [10] but are not considered seriously in the physics community.In this contribution, we will demonstrate the problem on the basis of a physically relevant example. Finally, we will discuss several possible approaches to cure this problem.