-The effect of damping in the wave turbulence regime for thin vibrating plates is studied. An experimental method, allowing measurements of dissipation in the system at all scales, is first introduced. Practical experimental devices for increasing the dissipation are used. The main observable consequence of increasing the damping is a significant modification in the slope of the power spectral density, so that the observed power laws are not in a pure inertial regime. However, the system still displays a turbulent behavior with a cut-off frequency that is determined by the injected power which does not depend on damping. By using the measured damping power-law in numerical simulations, similar conclusions are drawn out.Introduction. -Wave (or weak) turbulence theory (WTT) aims at describing the long time behavior of weakly non linear systems with energy exchanges between scales. It predicts for long time broadband KolmogorovZakharov spectra, by analogy with hydrodynamic turbulence [1][2][3]. A large number of situations have been studied over the years starting from the initial context of water waves [4][5][6][7], to nonlinear optics [8] or Alfven Waves in plasmas [9] for instance.Wave turbulence for elastic vibrating plates has been investigated theoretically in 2006 [10], rapidly followed by two experimental works [11,12]. The theoretical analysis considers the dynamics in the framework of the von Kármán equations. For a thin plate of thickness h, Poisson ratio ν, density ρ and Young's modulus E, it yields [13]