Abstract. Experiments were conducted to study various kinds of Shock wave/BoundaryLayer Interaction (SBLI) in an axisymmetric mixed-compression inlet. Experimental ndings were compared and veri ed by numerical solutions where possible. Di erent types of SBLI relevant to the mixed-compression inlets are classi ed. Interactions of normal shock wave/boundary-layer at subcritical condition and in buzz condition are investigated using Schlieren and shadowgraph ow visualization as well as unsteady pressure recordings. The data is compared with the CFD predictions. Interactions of cowl lip re ected oblique shock and the terminal normal shock with the spike boundary-layer at both critical and supercritical operations, which lead to pseudo-shock phenomena, are also studied. Experimental pressure recordings are used for validation and discussion. For near-critical throttling values, interaction of internal compression oblique shocks with boundary-layer and pseudo-shock phenomenon is dominant. Formation of lambda shock due to interaction of separated boundary-layer with normal shock wave is investigated. Each type of ow interaction phenomena has di erent e ects on the stability and performance of the inlet. Interaction of terminal normal shock with internal duct boundary-layer causes pseudoshock phenomenon that increases ow distortion and reduces total pressure recovery. Interaction of normal shock with cone boundary-layer causes buzz instability and degrades inlet performance.