An 11 m high dry-stacked masonry concrete block wall reinforced with a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geogrid was designed, instrumented, and monitored for a period of 2 years as part of a highway-widening project southeast of Seattle, Washington, in the USA. An extensive materials-testing program was conducted to characterize the geogrid and backfill soil properties. The empirical-based K-stiffness method was used to design the wall, and this approach resulted in a 35% reduction in total required reinforcement strength compared with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials / Federal Highway Administration (AASHTO/FHWA) simplified method. The cost savings more than compensated for the cost of the instrumentation program. Geogrid strains were measured using strain gauges and extensometers, and the walls were surveyed to monitor facing deformations. The stiffness of the geogrid materials was computed from the results of laboratory in-isolation constant-load (creep) tests. The time- and strain-dependent stiffness values, in combination with measured strains, were used to compute measured reinforcement loads at the reinforcement connections and at locations within the reinforced soil backfill. The measured loads were compared with class A, B, and C1 predictions using the AASHTO/FHWA simplified and K-stiffness methods. These comparisons demonstrate that the simplified method significantly overestimated reinforcement loads, whereas the K-stiffness method provided estimates that were judged to be in better agreement with the measured results. The paper also quantifies the influence of construction procedures on reinforcement strains and load, shows that long-term creep of the reinforcement after 2 years after construction is negligible, and identifies lessons learned.