Abstract. Fault-tolerant distributed algorithms are central for building reliable, spatially distributed systems. In order to ensure that these algorithms actually make systems more reliable, we must ensure that these algorithms are actually correct. Unfortunately, model checking state-ofthe-art fault-tolerant distributed algorithms (such as Paxos) is currently out of reach except for very small systems. In order to be eventually able to automatically verify such fault-tolerant distributed algorithms also in larger systems, several problems have to be addressed. In this paper, we consider modeling and verification of fault-tolerant algorithms that basically only contain threshold guards to control the flow of the algorithm. As threshold guards are widely used in fault-tolerant distributed algorithms (and also in Paxos) efficient methods to handle them bring us closer to the above mentioned goal. As case study we use the reliable broadcasting algorithm by Srikanth and Toueg that tolerates even Byzantine faults. We show how one can model this basic fault-tolerant distributed algorithm in Promela such that safety and liveness properties can be efficiently verified in Spin. We provide experimental data also for other distributed algorithms.