This note reviews the widely used phased-lagged [Erdos, J. L., E. Alzner, and W. McNally. 1977. AIAA Journal 15: 1559-68.] approach and corresponding chorochronic interface relations [Gerolymos G. A., G. J. Michon, and J. Neubauer. 2002. Journal of Propulsion and Power 18: 1139-52.] and explores its potential extension to the approximate unsteady throughflow analysis of multistage turbomachinery. The basic relations pertaining to the binary blade-row interaction case, for which chorochronic periodicity is exact in a phase-averaged RANS framework, are briefly formulated, and selected computational examples illustrate the application of the method. Then, the filtered chorochronic interface is defined as the unsteady counterpart of the well-known mixing-plane concept. This interface takes into account only those tθ-waves which are compatible with the interaction of the immediately upstream and downstream blade-rows. The concept, which is similar to the decompositionand-superposition method [Li, H. D., and L. He. 2005. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery 127: 589-98.], is illustrated by 3-D computations of a 1 2 -stage transonic compressor.Nomenclature f frequency (Hz) f frequency (Hz) associated with the rotational speed | | = 2πf f n BR ,m BR frequency associated with the chorochronic periodicity of the binary interaction between blade-rows n BR and m BR (5a) BR grid-block index (a block may contain several domains, all associated with the pitch and rotational speed of the same blade-row) L θ number of nonzero θ -harmonics retained in the chorochronic series, used in the computations and postprocessing N B number of blades in a blade-row n BR blade-row index N BR total number of blade-rows n D grid-domain index n t time-harmonic index N t number of t-harmonics used in the computations and postprocessing n θ azimuthal harmonic index (2π -periodic) N PP number of points-per-period defining the time-step for the unsteady simulations (4, 7) m massflow (kg s −1 ) m WL working-line massflow (kg s −1 ) M Mach-number * Email: p pressure (Pa) s entropy (J kg −1 K −1 ) t time (s) t COMP time duration simulated by the unsteady computation V absolute-flow velocity (m s −1 ) v(t, x, R, θ) flow-variables vector at (t, x, R, θ ) v n BR ,m BR unsteady-interaction flowfield, associated with the binary interaction between bladerows n BR and m BR in the decompositionand-superposition technique for predicting flows with multiple frequencies of He (1992), used in the formulation of multistage filtered chorochronic periodicity (6) v tθ -harmonics (chorochronic harmonics) of the flow-variables vector v (2, 3) w n BR ,m BR x-wise weight-function used (6) to filter out, at the chorochronic interface between blade-rows n BR and m BR , frequencies and phase-lags other than those associated with the binary interaction a FLTR fraction of blade-chord, defining the filterwidth (6c) (x, R, θ ) cylindrical system-of-coordinates (x is the engine axis) (x, y, z) corresponding Cartesian system-ofcoordinates (x is the engine a...