This file was downloaded from the institutional repository Brage NIH Luteberget, L. S., Spencer, M. (2017
Abstract:International female team handball is a physically demanding sport and is intermittent in nature.The aim of the study was to profile high intensity events (HIE) in international female team handball matches, with regards to playing positions. Methods: Twenty female national team handball players were equipped with inertial movement units (OptimEye S5, Catapult Sports, Australia) in 9 official international matches. Players were categorized in four different playing positions: backs, wings, pivots, and goalkeepers (GK). Player Load™, accelerations (Acc), changes of direction (CoD), decelerations (Dec), and the sum of the latter three, HIE, were extracted from data raw-files, using the manufacture's software. All Acc, Dec, CoD, and HIE >2.5 m·s -1 were included. Data were log-transformed and differences were standardized for interpretation of magnitudes and reported with effect size (ES) statistic. Results: Mean number of events was 0.7 ± 0.4 Acc·min -1 , 2.3 ± 0.9 Dec·min -1 , and 1.0 ± 0.4 CoD·min -1 . Substantial differences between playing positions, ranging from small to very large, were found in the three parameters. Backs showed a most likely greater frequency for HIE·min -1 (5.0 ± 1.1 HIE·min -1 ), than all other playing positions. Differences between playing positions was also apparent in Player Load·min -1 . Conclusion: The present study shows that HIE in international female team handball are position specific, and that the overall intensity is dependent on the positional role within a team. Specific HIE and intensity profiles from match play provide useful information for a better understanding of the overall game demands and for each playing position.