Now 50 years since the existence of the neutron star crust was proposed, we review the current understanding of the nuclear physics of the outer layers of accreting neutron stars. Nuclei produced during nuclear burning replace the nascent composition of the neutron star ocean and crust. Non-equilibrium nuclear reactions driven by compression alter the outer thermal structure and chemical composition, leaving observable imprints on astronomical phenomena. As observations of bursting neutron stars and cooling neutron stars have increased, the recent volume of astronomical data allows new insights into the microphysics of the neutron star interior and the possibility to test nuclear physics input in model calculations. Despite numerous advances in our understanding of neutron star interiors and observed neutron star phenomena, many challenges remain in the astrophysics theory of accreting neutron stars, the nuclear theory of neutron-rich nuclei, and the reach and precision of terrestrial nuclear physics experiments.
Nuclear Physics of the Outer Layers of Accreting Neutron StarsFor example, current investigations of the critical reaction rates in X-ray bursts [9,27], studies of key properties of nuclei in the accreted crust [25,26], and nuclear reaction network calculations of accreted crust compositions [22,24,28], all promise to improve the observational constraints on dense matter derived from accreting neutron stars.We begin in section 2 by briefly outlining the neutron star structure. Sections 3 and 4 describe the original composition of the neutron star crust and the accretion process which drives the system from equilibrium. In section 5, we discuss the nuclear burning that can occur on the surface of accreting neutron stars and the nuclei produced during the different possible burning regimes. In actively accreting neutron stars, the ashes of prior surface nuclear burning are compressed to greater depths by newly accreted material. We discuss in section 6 the nuclear interactions involving the ashes that take place as the ambient mass density increases. In section 7, we investigate the impact of interior nuclear interactions on observable neutron star phenomena. We summarize and discuss prospects for future work in section 8.