We investigate aging continuous time random walks (ACTRW), introduced by Monthus and Bouchaud [J. Phys. A 29, 3847 (1996)]. Statistical behaviors of the displacement of the random walker r = r(t) − r(0) in the time interval (0, t) are obtained, after aging the random walk in the time interval (−ta, 0). In ACTRW formalism, the Green function P (r, ta, t) depends on the age of the random walk ta and the forward time t. We derive a generalized Montroll-Weiss equation, which yields an exact expression for the Fourier double Laplace transform of the ACTRW Green function. Asymptotic long times ta and t behaviors of the Green function are investigated in detail. In the limit of t ≫ ta, we recover the standard non-equilibrium CTRW behaviors, while the important regimes t ≪ ta and t ≃ ta exhibit interesting aging effects. Convergence of the ACTRW results towards the CTRW behavior, becomes extremely slow when the diffusion exponent becomes small. In the context of biased ACTRW, we investigate an aging Einstein relation. We briefly discuss aging in Scher-Montroll type of transport in disordered materials.PACS numbers: 74.40+k, 05.40.Fb One of the best well known random walk models is the CTRW introduced by Montroll and Weiss [32]. It de-