This paper presents an interactive motion planning system designed to obtain efficiently near-time optimal and obstacle free paths. A geometric representation of robot dynamics reduces the motion planning problem to a simple geometric task. A graphic display of the acceleration capabilities of the manipulator tip and the forbidden regions around the obstacles guide the user in interactively selecting a near-time-optimal and obstacle-free path. The selected path is evaluated by the time optimal velocity profile along that path obtained with an on-line optimization. Using the interactive system, paths to within 3% of the optimal were computed in a very short time compared to conventional optimization methods. Examples of planning the motions of a two link manipulator operating in a cluttered environment are presented.
INTRODUCIlONShort cycle times and high productivity of robotic-cells can be achieved by planning robot tasks to be time optimal. This requires that robot motions and the locations of the workstations in the robotic cell be optimized. To do it effectively, the time optimal paths between any possible locations need to be computed first. Obtaining time optimal paths for robotic manipulators is however a computationally intensive task due to their highly nonlinear and coupled dynamics.Several numerical methods for obtaining time optimal robot motions have been developed, using the Pontryagin Maximum Principle [1,2], a search in the state space [4], and parameter optimizations [4,6], most of which have been demonstrated for very simple two and three link manipulators [I-3,6]. The presence of obstacles, makes the path planning problem even harder, increasing computation with the number and complexity of the obstacles [4,6,9,10]. For this reason, current methods for workcell layout design estimate cycle times with crude approximations of the motion times [ 1 11, or by obtaining the optimal motions along fixed paths between workstations in the manufacturing cell [12]. This usually results in far from optimal designs.CH2750-8/89/0000/0964$01 .OO 0 1989 IEEE An efficient geometric approach to robot motion planning has been developed [13,14] which permits fast and good approximations of time optimal paths for use in both motion planning and workcell design. Based on a graphical representation of the manipulator acceleration capabilities, this approach provides insights into the geometric shapes of time optimal paths. It consists of representing the acceleration capabilities of the manipulator tip in the form of acceleration lines which represent the directions of maximum tip acceleration from a given point [13]. It has been shown that the the acceleration lines coincide with time optimal paths near the end points. Thus, time optimal paths can be approximated by fitting smooth curves to the acceleration lines to result in near-optimal paths. This paper describes a software system, currently under development at UCLA, which combines interactive and automatic modes for planning optimally robot motions and designing...