The mobile robot dispersion problem on graphs asks k ≤ n robots placed initially arbitrarily on the nodes of an n-node anonymous graph to reposition autonomously to reach a configuration in which each robot is on a distinct node of the graph. This problem is of significant interest due to its relationship to other fundamental robot coordination problems, such as exploration, scattering, load balancing, and relocation of self-driven electric cars (robots) to recharge stations (nodes). In this paper, we provide two novel deterministic algorithms for dispersion, one for arbitrary graphs and another for grid graphs, in a synchronous setting where all robots perform their actions in every time step. Our algorithm for arbitrary graphs has O(min(m, k∆) · log k) steps runtime using O(log n) bits of memory at each robot, where m is the number of edges and ∆ is the maximum degree of the graph. This is an exponential improvement over the O(mk) steps best previously known algorithm. In particular, the runtime of our algorithm is optimal (up to a O(log k) factor) in constant-degree arbitrary graphs. Our algorithm for grid graphs has O(min(k, √ n)) steps runtime using Θ(log k) bits at each robot. This is the first algorithm for dispersion in grid graphs. Moreover, this algorithm is optimal for both memory and time when k = Ω(n). problem). This problem has many practical applications, for example, in relocating selfdriven electric cars (robots) to recharge stations (nodes), assuming that the cars have smart devices to communicate with each other to find a free/empty charging station [1,16]. This problem is also important due to its relationship to many other well-studied autonomous robot coordination problems, such as exploration, scattering, load balancing, covering, and self-deployment [1,16]. One of the key aspects of mobile-robot research is to understand how to use the resource-limited robots to accomplish some large task in a distributed manner [10,11]. In this paper, we study the trade-off between memory requirement of robots and the time to solve Dispersion on graphs.Augustine and Moses Jr.[1] studied Dispersion assuming k = n. They proved a memory lower bound of Ω(log n) bits at each robot and a time lower bound of Ω(D) (Ω(n) in arbitrary graphs) for any deterministic algorithm in any graph, where D is the diameter of the graph. They then provided deterministic algorithms using O(log n) bits at each robot to solve Dispersion on lines, rings, and trees in O(n) time. For arbitrary graphs, they provided two algorithms, one using O(log n) bits at each robot with O(mn) time and another using O(n log n) bits at each robot with O(m) time, where m is the number of edges in the graph. Recently, Kshemkalyani and Ali [16] provided an Ω(k) time lower bound for arbitrary graphs for k ≤ n. They then provided three deterministic algorithms for Dispersion in arbitrary graphs: (i) The first algorithm using O(k log ∆) bits at each robot with O(m) time, (ii) The second algorithm using O(D log ∆) bits at each robot with O(∆ D ) time, and ...