Traditionally under frequency relays and PLCs (programmable logic controller) are used for load shedding. Recently, these methods have been combined with smart power management systems to shed load automatically. These combined systems are the best methods. However, shedding exact amount of load is almost impossible, because it usually ends up with excessive or inadequate load shedding at feeders where it becomes necessary to sustain system stability. Disconnecting a certain amount of loads at a feeder is defined as load shedding. In case of emergency, faster and optimal load relief can be obtained with an intelligent load shedding system. This paper demonstrates an intelligent load shedding strategy in electrical system of Selçuk University Medical Faculty consisting different type and size of loads and being supplied by a distributed generator. Generators which supply with Selçuk University Medical Faculty can't meet energy requirement when there is a disturbance in power system. In case of 1 MW Solar power plant to be building at University Campus supply to Medical Faculty, the difference between power generation and demand will decrease. In this case, load shedding becomes necessary to improve reliability of power supply and sustain system stability. Loads are sorted by importance priority and optimal load shedding method is applied. The fuzzy logic is employed for optimal load shedding solution. Strategy is applied on Medical Faculty loads which have different importance level.