1There has been considerable interest in nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor-doped glasses, since they have large optical nonlinearity with a fast response time [1]. In recent years attention has been given to below-band-gap nonlinearities of semiconductor-doped glasses [2,3]. Although the value of the optical nonlinearity is rather small, the response time can be very fast. In this letter, we report femtosecond dynamics in semiconductor-doped glasses below the band gap.The samples investigated were commercial CdSSe-doped filter glasses: Asahi R-64, R-66; Hoya R-64, R-66, R-68; Schott RG645, RG665; and Corning 2-58 and 2-64. CdS-doped glass L-42 and undoped glass Y-0 were also investigated for comparison. Thickness of samples was approximately 2.5 mm. The concentration of CdSSe was approximately 0.4 wt% [4]. Sizes of CdSe nanocrystals were around 8 to 30nm [4]. The degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) experiments were performed with a Ti:sapphire laser and a regenerative amplifier (Spectra Physics Tsunami and Spitfire; wavelength = 780 nm, pulse duration = 130 fs, peak power density = 0.5 -1 TW/cm 2 , repletion rate = 1 kHz) using a boxcar configuration at 300 K.The laser beam was divided into three parts: two pump beams and a probe beam. All beams were polarized in the same direction. Pump and probe beams were focused by a single lens on the surface of the sample.The peak power density of pump light was approximately 0.2 TW/cm 2 , and that of probe light was 0.03 TW/cm 2 . The time delay between the pump pulses and the probe pulse was adjusted by an optical delay line. Transient absorption in the infrared range was measured using pump and probe technique. Pump and probe pulses were delivered from optical parametric oscillators. The peak power density of pump light was 0.75 TW/cm 2 . Wavelength of pump light was 482 nm, and that of probe light was 3 m. DFWM signal was observed in all glasses investigated. Fig. 1 shows dynamics of DFWM signal for Asahi Y-0, L-42 and R-64. There are two contributions to the DFWM signal. The fast contribution is observed in all glasses investigated. The profile of the fast contribution as a function of the time delay between pump and probe pulses follows closely that of the laser pulse. Note that the fast contribution is observed in glass without semiconductor (Y-0). Since signal intensity of the fast contribution in the undoped glass is the same as those in the doped glasses, the fast contribution is attributable to glass matrix.It is reported that the intensity of nearly degenerate frequency mixing signal in BK7 glass, which does not contain semiconductor, is comparable with those of CdSSe-doped glasses [3]. The nonlinearity of the glass is mainly due to electronic polarization of bound electrons.The slow contribution is observed in glasses with longer cut-off wavelength: R-64, R-66 etc. Fig. 2 shows dynamics of DFWM signal for Asahi R-64 and Hoya R-68. The decay time of the slow contribution 2 is approximately 4 ps for Asahi R-64 and 6 ps for Hoya R-68. Other samples als...