Major disadvantages of blackphosphorus (BP) are its poor air-stability and poor solubility in common organic solvents.T he best wayt os olve this problem is to incorporate BP into ap olymer backbone or ap olymer matrix to form novel functional materials that can provide both challenges and opportunities for new innovationi no ptoelectronic and photonic applications.A sap roof-of concept application, we synthesized in situ the first highly soluble conjugated polymercovalently functionalizedB Pd erivative (PDDF-g-BP) which was used to fabricate ar esistive random access memory (RRAM) device with aconfiguration of Au/PDDF-g-BP/ITO. In contrast to PDDF without memory effect, PDDF-g-BPbased device exhibits anonvolatile rewritable memory performance,w ith at urn-on and turn-off voltages of + 1.95 Va nd À2.34 V, and an ON/OFF current ratio of 10 4 .T he current through the device in both the ON and OFF states is still kept unchanged even at 200th switching cycle.T he PDDF/BP blends show avery unstable memory performance with avery small ON/OFF current ratio.Asanovel two-dimensional layered material found in the post-graphene age,f ew-layer black phosphorus (BP) has found many potential applications in the fields of field-effect transistors,o ptical modulators,m ode-locked and Q-switched lasers,o ptical limiters,a nd others due to its unique and superior properties such as higher charge-carrier mobility (ca. 10 3 cm 2 V À1 S À1 ), thickness-depended and tunable direct band gap (0.3-1.5 eV), strong intrinsic in-plane anisotropy,a nd broadband nonlinear optical response. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Similar to C 60 , carbon nanotubes and graphene,B Ph as also very poor solubility in common organic solvents,l eading to great difficulty in fabricating BP-based thin film devices by using solution-processable techniques.M ore importantly,B Pw ill degrade rapidly in the presence of oxygen and moisture within the scope of hours.T oi mprove the environmental stability of few-layer BP,anumber of essential strategies, including encapsulation, [11] non-covalent functionalization, [12,13] covalent chemical modification [14] and high boiling solvent exfoliation, [15] have been employed to suppress the chemical degradation of exfoliated BP.It has been recognized that design and preparation of BPbased soluble organic/polymeric functional materials are ak ey issue for exploring more applications of BP,w hich would most likely be driven by breakthroughs in chemistry of BP that combine the economy of scale with function in near future.Ryder et al. are the first to report the organic chemical modification of few-layer BP,w hich was prepared by mechanically exfoliating bulk BP on Si/SiO 2 substrates,w ith 4-nitrobenzene-diazonium (4-NBD) and 4-methoxybenzenediazonium (4-MBD) tetrafluoroborate salts. [14] However,t he resultant material could not be directly used for fabrication of electronic devices by using traditional spin-coating technique due to its poorer solubility in organic solvents.Inthis work, by using 4-bromobenzene-diazonium( ...