'Schrödinger cat' states of light 1 , defined as quantum superpositions of quasi-classical coherent states, have recently emerged as an alternative to single-photon qubits for quantuminformation processing [2][3][4][5][6] . Their richer structure provides significant advantages for quantum teleportation, universal quantum computation, high-precision measurements and fundamental tests of quantum physics [7][8][9][10][11][12][13] . Local superpositions of free-propagating coherent states have been realized experimentally, but their applications were so far limited by their extreme sensitivity to losses, and by the lack of quantum gates for coherent qubit rotations. Here, we demonstrate a simple approach to generating strongly entangled non-local superpositions of coherent states, using a very lossy quantum channel. Such superpositions should be useful for implementing coherent qubit-rotation gates, and for teleporting these qubits over long distances. The generation scheme may be extended to creating entangled coherent superpositions with arbitrarily large amplitudes.Single-mode cat states can be considered as classical light waves with two opposite phases simultaneously, expressed as C(|α + e iφ | − α ), where |α is a coherent state containing |α| 2 photons on average and C is a normalization factor omitted in the following. The non-classical nature of such states appears most strikingly in the quantum statistics of the electric field: its quasi-probability distribution, called the Wigner function, presents quantum oscillations with negative values between the two classical states. The Wigner function W (x,p), wherexare the quadrature operators of the quantized electric field, can be reconstructed by homodyne tomography 14 from several marginal distributions P θ (x θ = x cosθ +psinθ).Besides their fundamental interest, arbitrary coherent superpositions a|α + b| − α can be used as qubits carrying quantum information, if |α and | − α are sufficiently distinguishable (|α| 2 2). They present many advantages compared with discrete-variable qubits a|0 + b|1 , enabling one to circumvent the fundamental limits of discrete-variable quantum teleportation 7,15 or to carry out loophole-free Bell tests 13 . So far, their applications suffered from two major issues. One was the difficulty to build associated logic gates: arbitrary qubit rotations were believed to require either unrealistically strong nonlinear interactions, or very resource-consuming repeated infinitesimal rotations 8,13 . The other was more fundamental: the complex structure of these states, while offering many benefits, makes them notoriously fragile. For instance, many quantuminformation processing (QIP) tasks require entangled cat states such as |ψ 0 = |α 1 | − α 2 − | − α 1 |α 2 . Theoretically, they can be obtained by splitting a single-mode cat | through lossy channels. The entanglement is created by non-local photon subtraction, by interfering small fractions R of each pulse, phase-shifted by φ, on a 50/50 beamsplitter. Then an APD photon detection in...