Our scientific understanding of the static or time-averaged structure of condensed matter on the atomic scale has been dramatically advanced by direct structural measurements using x-ray techniques and modern synchrotron sources. Of course the structure of condensed matter is not static, and to understanding the behavior of condensed matter at the most fundamental level requires structural measurements on the time scale on which atoms move. The evolution of condensed-matter structure, via the making and breaking of chemical bonds and the rearrangement of atoms, occurs on the fundamental time scale of a vibrational period, ~100 fs.Atomic motion and structural dynamics on this time scale ultimately determine the course of phase transitions in solids, the kinetic pathways of chemical reactions, and even the efficiency and function of biological processes. The integration of x-ray measurement techniques, a highbrightness femtosecond x-ray source, femtosecond lasers, and stroboscopic pump-probe techniques will provide the unique capability to address fundamental scientific questions in solidstate physics, chemistry, AMO physics, and biology involving structural dynamics. In this paper, we review recent work in ultrafast x-ray science at the ALS including time-resolved diffraction measurements and efforts to develop dedicated beamlines for femtosecond x-ray experiments.Schoenlein et al.
Advanced Light SourcePage 2 of 13
Time-Resolved Bragg Diffraction of Order-Disorder TransitionsInitial time-resolved x-ray experiments at the ALS have focus on order-disorder transitions in crystalline solids. The dynamics of such phase transformations are of fundamental scientific interest since they determine the genesis and evolution of new structural phases. The conventional description of simple first-order solid/liquid phase transitions in crystals is based on a thermal model, which assumes local thermal equilibrium among the vibrational modes and between the electronic and vibrational energy reservoirs. In such a model, the phase transition proceeds via energy transfer to the lattice in the form of heat. The thermal model then predicts that following optical excitation, a phase transition will evolve on the time scale determined by electron-phonon energy exchange, typically several picoseconds. Implicit in such a description is the assumption that excitation or energy deposition to the solid is slow compared to a vibrational period or to electron-phonon scattering times. However, ultrafast optical pulses can deposit energy on time scales that are short compared to electron-phonon interaction times; thereby creating electron temperatures well in excess of the underlying lattice temperature. Energy can even be deposited on time scales shorter than electron-electron scattering times (<100 fs), creating non-equilibrium (non-Fermi) electron distributions. Under such conditions, the thermal melting model breaks down, and new physical effects emerge.Ultrafast energy deposition raises fundamental scientific questions about how phase tra...