Angular distributions of state-selected NO and O products in the photoinitiated unimolecular decomposition of jet-cooled NO 2 have been measured by using both the photofragment ion imaging technique with velocity map imaging and ion time-of-flight translational spectroscopy. The recoil anisotropy parameter of the photofragments, , depends strongly on the rotational angular momentum of the photoproduct. O( 3 P jϭ2,0 ) angular distributions are recorded at photolysis wavelengths 371.7, 354.7, and 338.9 nm. At these wavelengths, respectively, vibrational levels v ϭ0, vϭ0,1 and vϭ0 -2 of NO are generated. In addition,  values for NO(vϭ2) in specific high rotational levels are determined at ϳ338 nm. The experimental observations are rationalized with a classical model that takes into account the transverse recoil component mandated by angular momentum conservation. The model is general and applicable in cases where fragment angular momentum is large, i.e., a classical treatment is justified. It is applied here both to the experimental NO 2 results, and results of quantum calculations of the vibrational predissociation of the Ne-ICl van der Waals complex. It is concluded that deviations from the limiting  values should be prominent in fast, barrierless unimolecular decomposition, and in certain dissociation processes where a large fraction of the available energy is deposited in rotational excitation of the diatom. The application of the model to NO 2 dissociation suggests that the nuclear dynamics leading to dissociation involves a decrease in bending angle at short internuclear separations followed by a stretching motion. This interpretation is in accord with recent theoretical calculations.