The subject of research in the article is the methodology for the examination of small-volume premises with a predominance of speech content. The aim of the work is to analyze all stages of acoustic expertise for meeting rooms, conference rooms, press centers, to determine the volume and sequence of the stages, taking into account the specific restrictions and conditions that arise in small rooms. All stages of acoustic expertise are considered in the work on examples of real premises of meeting rooms, conference halls, press centers. The sequence of stages of the examination, when it was carried out for premises of small volumes, did not undergo any changes, compared to the sequence that is used for spectator halls. The main distinctive feature of the first stage of acoustic examination in small rooms with a predominance of speech content is the analysis of the structures of the reverberation process in listening places in order to identify the drawbacks of the formation of a diffuse field, instead of checking the geometry of the wall and ceiling panel walls using geometric theory. A feature of the second stage is the development of recommendations for improving the sound-absorbing properties of enclosing surfaces and eliminating the effect of multiple re-reflections of sound energy between parallel surfaces through the use of partial replacement of surface geometry, work with suspended ceiling structures and the use of sound-absorbing curtains (to correct the properties of glass surfaces). The third and fourth stages of the examination remained unchanged.