The notion of a homotopy flow on a directed space was introduced in [21] as a coherent tool for comparing spaces of directed paths between pairs of points in that space with each other. If all directed maps along such a 1-parameter deformation preserve the homotopy types of path spaces, such a flow and the parameter maps are called inessential.For a directed space, one may consider various categories whose objects are pairs of reachable points to which a functor associates the space of directed paths between them. The monoid of all inessential maps acts on such a category by endofunctors leaving the associated path spaces invariant up to homotopy. We construct a pair component category as quotient category: it has as objects pair components along which the homotopy type is invariant -for a coherent and transparent reason.This paper follows up [8,16,21] and removes some of the restrictions for their applicability. At least in several examples, it gives reasonable results for spaces with non-trivial directed loops. If one uses homology equivalence instead of homotopy equivalence as the basic relation, it yields an alternative to computable versions of "natural homology" introduced in [5] and elaborated in [3]. It refines, for good and for evil, the stable components introduced and investigated in [25].1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 18B35, 55P60, 55U40, 68Q85.