Felsic magmatic systems represent the vast majority of volcanic activity that poses a threat to human life. The tempo and magnitude of these eruptions depends on the physical conditions under which magmas are retained within the crust. Recently the case has been made that volcanic reservoirs are rarely molten and only capable of eruption for durations as brief as 1,000 years following magma recharge. If the "cold storage" model is generally applicable, then geophysical detection of melt beneath volcanoes is likely a sign of imminent eruption. However, some arc volcanic centers have been active for tens of thousands of years and show evidence for the continual presence of melt. To address this seeming paradox, zircon geochronology and geochemistry from both the frozen lava and the cogenetic enclaves they host from the Soufrière Volcanic Center (SVC), a long-lived volcanic complex in the Lesser Antilles arc, were integrated to track the preeruptive thermal and chemical history of the magma reservoir. Our results show that the SVC reservoir was likely eruptible for periods of several tens of thousands of years or more with punctuated eruptions during these periods. These conclusions are consistent with results from other arc volcanic reservoirs and suggest that arc magmas are generally stored warm. Thus, the presence of intracrustal melt alone is insufficient as an indicator of imminent eruption, but instead represents the normal state of magma storage underneath dormant volcanoes.volcano | eruption | arc magma | zircon D etermining the timescale of magma storage and remobilization in the upper crust is key to understanding the tempo and magnitude of volcanic eruptions (1-13). Whether a volcano can erupt is controlled by the recharge rate to the magma reservoir (13) (reservoir in this context refers to the portion of the igneous complex that is potentially eruptible), which in turn determines the duration of the "eruption window" [generally defined as the rheological state during which the subvolcanic reservoir is below ∼60% crystals and hence capable of eruption (4)]. However, estimates for how long this eruption window remains open vary over four orders of magnitude; this suggests either profound problems in assumptions underlying one or more of these estimates or a continuum of physical mechanisms that resist formulation of a unified model for the state of magma reservoirs before eruption (1-13). The preservation of sharp compositional gradients in plagioclase phenocrysts, assumed to have crystallized >10 ka before eruption, has recently been interpreted to indicate that arc volcanic reservoirs characteristically remain in "cold storage" at temperatures below the eruption window, possibly below the solidus, and thus only capable of erupting during brief recharge events (<10 ka) (1). In contrast, zircon dating and heat budget considerations are difficult to reconcile with this scenario; instead, they are consistent with continuously partially molten reservoirs capable of erupting (i.e., with melt portion ≥40%) ov...