“…The behavior indicated through the b-value is coherent with the natural time (NT) results, Figures 5f and 6f, which also present the following auxiliary horizontal lines: κ 1 = 0.070 (dashed red), < D > limit = 10 −2 (dashed green), and entropy limit S u ≈ 0.0966 (dashed blue). The corresponding analysis was performed according to the same methods given in [49], taking the energy component (Q k ) as equal to A max 1.5 , where A max is the maximum amplitude of the signal (in µV), an approach also commonly found in seismology studies [50]. The calculation of the term A max 1.5 was performed hit-by-hit, i.e., every time a new signal was identified, it was included in the NT analysis, leading to the rescaling of the (χ k ,Q k ) time series and the recalculation of κ 1 , S, S rev and < D >.…”