The effects of four management measures (A: All broad-leaved trees and shrubs were cut, B: All broad-leaved trees were cut, C: All shrubs were cut, D: Partial upper broad-leaved trees were cut uniform.) of Pinus koraiensis plantations on the soil properties were studied in National Natural Reserve located in Lesser Xingan Mountains. Litter mass, soil organic matter mass, soil physical properties, soil chemical properties and microbial characteristics were affected significantly by management activities in the Pinus koraiensis plantations no matter what kind of management measures. The rate of undecomposed layer was bigger than 50% in measure A and measure B, and smaller than 50% in measure C and measure D. The lowest surface soil bulk density was in measure C and D. Soil organic matter mass of measure C and D was bigger than that of measure A and B. In the upper soil layer, the nutrient of measure C and D was higher than that of measure A and B. The totoal number of bacterium, fungi and actinomycetes was the bigger in measure C and D, and the smaller in measure A and B. The rusults of the soil properties under different management measures seems to confirm that increasing the degree of close-to-nature forest management could be conductive to improve the soil quality of Pinus koraiensis plantation.